Sunday, 30 December 2012

Host Cascade Style Sheet .CSS File For Blogger for faster loading:

In this tutorial, you will learn how to host .css file from blogger. First create account on dropbox to upload your file public on dropbox account. This will also reduce your blogger template size. Follow steps below. To host your css file.

1.   Login to blogger account.
2.   Click blog title  template  edit html. (Before edit keep a backup of your template).
3.   Click proceed button.
4.   Now cut the text between following codes.

<b:skin><![cdata[ text ]]></b:skin>

5.   Now the paste the text(you cut) in notepad save file with .css extension.
6.   Now upload your .css file in dropbox public folder and get(copy) public link of file.
7.   Now add the following code after <head> tag.

<link href='your file link' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>

8.   Now replace your file link text with link you copied from dropbox.
9.   Click save template button and you are done.

Note :  This tricks may not work in some template, use this trick only in  Custom Templates.

If this trick does not work don't worry, you can compress your CSS code to make your site faster.
To know this read this:  How To Compress CSS For Fast Loading Your Blog/ site?

How to add most beautiful eyelid animated sharing buttons:

There are dozens social sharing button in internet. Every day a new design being lunch. Because social site is now part of our life. So webmasters are being addicted with social sharing. They want more visitor from social sites. Every webmasters always wants something different from others. 

Blogger largely depend on Facebook, twitter, google plus and other sharing site. Blogger will success when their site or blog can attract visitor from social sites. And that’s why social sharing button is being most important element for every site and blog. “Eyelid” is the most beautiful sharing button ever I have seen before. It gets named by it’s animation style. 

Steps to set up:

First download the code file from below link then unzip the file and you'll get the code in .txt format. Copy the code then :

1. Login into your blog and go to Layout tab.

2. Add a new HTML/JavaScript gadget 

3. Now paste the following code into the gadget


5. Now save the gadget and reload your blog. Enjoy the new design.        :)

Click to Download Code file.
Or copy the code from below box:

Don't forget to leave comment/ feedback.

Thursday, 27 December 2012

How To Compress CSS For Fast Loading Your Blog / Site?

Learn how to compress css code for fast loading. Remove unused css codes from your blogger template. This tool will compress css code and save bytes. Follow these steps to compress css code.

1.      Login To Blogger Account.
2.      Click Template option, then click Backup / Restore and download backup.
3.      Now click - Template → Edit Html.
4.      Click Proceed Button.
5.      Tick Expand Widget Templates And Cut The Css Code Between Following Codes. (Search for this code by using  CTRL+F key from keyboard.)

<b:skin><![Cdata[ Css Code ]]></b:skin>

6.      Paste The Following Code In Notepad.
7.      Also Cut The Css Code Between <Style>Css Code</Style> If Available.
8.      Paste That Code In Same Notepad.
9.      Now Go To CssCompressor And Select Compression Mode: High(Default).
10.      Cut All Code From Notepad And Paste Code In Css Input Box.
11.  Press Compress Button To Compress Css Code.
12.  Now Copy All Code From Compressed Css Box.
13.  Paste The Css Code Between Following Codes Or Host Css Files
<b:skin><![Cdata[ Css Code ]]></b:skin>

Now Check Your Blog Loading Speed. It Will Surely Load Your Blog Faster. 
Don't Forget To Leave Comment / Feed Back

How to Defragment Your Hard Drive and make your PC faster than before?

To tidy up Windows and make it run faster and more efficiently, use a program called Disk Defragmenter. 
I think every old user of PC knows about Disk Defragment, this post is for those who are new PC user and does not know about this.
To defragment follow these steps:

1. Close all open files and folders on your computer.
2. Temporarily disable your antivirus software. (Not so important step)
3. Click the Start button in the lower-left corner of Windows.
4. Click All Programs.
5. Select Accessories.
6. Select System Tools.
7. Click Disk Defragmenter.
8. The Disk Defragmenter program opens. Near the top of this window, click the C: drive (unless you have Windows XP installed on a different drive, in which case you would click the letter for that drive).
9. Click the Analyze button located near the bottom of this window.
10. Your hard drive is scanned to determine whether or not it needs to be defragmented. If a message says “You should defragment this volume,” then click the Defragment button. The process will begin immediately and will probably take 30 to 60 minutes to complete (or more if you have a very slow computer). For the best results, do not use your computer until the defragmentation has finished.
11. A message pops up to inform you that the defragmentation is complete. To read a detailed report about what occurred, click the View Report button. If you are not interestedin seeing this report, simply click the Close button.
12. Turn on your antivirus software.

Don't forget to leave a comment/ feedback.

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

AAA Logo design software free download full version:

Every day many site or blog published in internet with many different styles. Every web master always tries to make unique from others. In that case web master use logo to separate from others. 

If site has a unique and attractive logo it can create effects on the visitor's mind. Now there are many jobs about logo designing on different freelancing site. If you can make different and good logo design then you can earn from there. Logo design is not so hard if you have some creative thought then it is easy for you. Some software can help you to design a unique logo. If you have the software then you can design like a professional designer.  
AAA-Logo software is one of them. It has some easy tools and you can use them easily to design a good logo. But there is some problem it is not free software.

 The price of the software is $49.95. You can visit their official site hereBut don’t worry today I will give the full version software. 

So don’t waste your time start downloading now.

Don't forget to leave comment / feedback.

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Useful Secret Codes of Nokia mobile phone :

Some useful codes for Nokia has been given below.
Hope this will be helpful for all Nokia users. Share with your friends and let them know.

*#06#         for checking the IMEI (InternationalMobile Equipment Identity).
*#7780#     reset to factory settings.
*#67705646#       This will clear the LCD display (operator logo).
*#0000#       To view software version.
*#2820#       Bluetooth device address.
*#746025625#      Sim clock allowed status.
*#62209526#     – Display the MAC address of the WLAN adapter. This is available only in the newer devices that support 
#pw+1234567890+1#       Shows if sim have restrictions.

*#92702689#         – takes you to a secret menu where you may find some of the information below:
1. Displays Serial Number.
2. Displays the Month and Year of Manufacture
3. Displays (if there) the date where the phone was purchased (MMYY)
4. Displays the date of the last repair – if found (0000)
5. Shows life timer of phone (time passes since last start)

*#3370#        – Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) activation. Increase signal strength, better signal reception. It also help if u 
                       want to use GPRS and the service is not responding or too slow. Phone battery will drain faster though.
*#3370*          – (EFR) deactivation. Phone will automatically restart. Increase battery life by 30% because phone receives  
                     less signal from network.
*#4720#        – Half Rate Codecactivation.
*#4720*         – Half Rate Codec deactivation. The phone will automatically restart
If you forgot wallet code for Nokia S60 phone, use this code reset:*#7370925538#
Note, your data in the wallet will be erased. Phone will ask you thelock code. Default lock code is: 12345
Press *#3925538# to delete the contents and code of wallet.
Unlock service provider: Insert sim, turn phone on and press vol up-arrow keys) for 3 seconds, should say pin code. Press C, then press * message should flash, press * again and 04*pin*pin*pin#
*#7328748263373738# resets security code.

Default security code of Nokia is 12345
** Some code may not work in all Model.
Don't forget to leave a comment / feedback.

Monday, 24 December 2012

Learn how to add jQuery tooltip to blogspot and make your blog gorgeous than before :

Here’s a nice-looking tooltip contraption that a number of you may prefer to wear your web site. It needs no pictures and no JavaScript, it solely runs on pure CSS alone, thus you don’t have to be compelled to worry regarding it fastness down your site’s loading time. 

Interested people just follow the flowing step to add css tooltip widget to blog. See DEMO in the picture. 

1. Login into your blogger account with correct password. 

2. Select Template from dropdown menu. 

3. At first create a backup of running temple. (It is very important.)

4. Click on Edit HTML and press process button. 

5. Press Ctrl+A then press Ctrl+F and find ]]></b:skin> 

6. Now download the following file and unzip the file then you'll get the code, copy the code and paste it just before ]]></b:skin> in blog template .

Click here to Download the code file 

or Copy the code from below box:

7. Save the template for finish task. 

Now if you want to check how to look your blog site then create a new post and add a class=”tooltip” attribute inside the post.It will look like: <a href=""class="tooltip">PrimeTechBD<span>Best technological blogging site</span></a>

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Add all in one social subscription / sharing box on your blog:

The main aim of the social sharing widget is to promote any site or post to everyone and get increased traffic. It always creates a great opportunity to connect with the visitor. Sharing site makes a connection between blog and visitor. Social site users get summaries of every last post. If they like tropic then visit it to know about tropic. So that webmasters use social sharing widget on their site or blog. A good widget can make sure success. What will be happened if you get all social sharing tools in one widget? This widget contains almost everything like- email subscription box, flowing buttons, social share box, facebook like box. What do you think is it amazing or not? I think this widget is awesome for webmasters. See the Demo picture of this widget on blog.


1. Email subscription box.
2. Follow us buttons to follow social sites
3. Social sites sharing button box.
4. Facebook like box with image.

You will get all these features in a widget just in around 10kb.

How to add it? 

I think you are so excited to add it on your blog. It will be so useful for your blog or site. Just follow the following.

  • At first login your blog
  • View your dashboard.
  • Go to template tab.
  • Create a backup with the current template.
  • Click on edit and press proceed.
  • Mark on Expand widget.
  • Press Ctrl+A key from your keyboard, then press Ctrl+F and  Search   <data:post.body/> 
  • Now copy the following code from box and paste just after the following code. 


If you can not copy then download this zip file and get the code :  Click here to download.

  • Unzip the file then copy the code and paste it where I mentioned previous. Before pasting edit some link and write your fb, twitter etc link. For this follow below instructions:
  • Press Ctrl+A key in the notepad which you downloaded just now, from your keyboard, then Press Ctrl+F key from your keyboard. 
  • At first type “feed burner url” and replace with your feed burner url.
  • Type 'FACEBOOK URL' and replace with your fan page url link. 
  • Type 'TWITTER URL’ replace it with your twitter link. 
  • Type 'GOOGLE+ URL' in the search box and replace with your Google plus page url. 
  • Search 'PINTEREST URL' and replace with your pinterest url. 
  • 'RSS URL' replace with your rss url link.
  • Now you have to change some Facebook code. 

          i. Search “facebookfunpage” and replace with your funpage’s user name. 
               ii. If you don’t have funpage username then copy your fun page url without “http://”                     
             from address bar and replace it with 
  • Now save the template.

Get Your Uninstaller pro version for free:

Installing and uninstalling programs are very common in this broadband world. People download programs every day and install them, lucky ones get the chance to serve you, but the others, they have to go.
OK, problems here: some programs are lazy and they won't take everything they brought here. They may leave files under Windows, unused Dll libraries, junk files and tons of registry keys. It's not the worst, some of them even prevent to be uninstalled, it always pops up a square dialog and tells you: "xxx is damaged, I could not be uninstalled." Even reinstalling the program will not help. It's really annoying and absolutely, unacceptable!

That's why you are reading this, you are in the right place! Your Uninstaller! is designed to solve any uninstall related problems and remove everything related, what you need is simply locate the program and hit "Uninstall", after simply clicks, it will be gone - with everything it brought. Your Uninstaller! also has advanced features for experienced users. Removing all unwanted programs will keep your system clean and stable.

Here's a brief feature list of Your Uninstaller!. Some features is only available in Pro version, please read the feature for more details.
Remove programs that could not be removed by Add/Remove Program.
Advanced Uninstall mode to fix Microsoft Installer problems.
System wide scan for unused files and registry keys after normal uninstall.
Hunter mode uninstall, hunts the programs and kill/uninstall/delete them.
Groups installed applications with various groups.
Never uninstall "must have" applications. (options)
Shows all applications installed on your computer with different views.
Uninstalls screen savers.
Helps you find and remove unnecessary files on your disk to save space and make computer faster!
Removes surfing traces so no one knows your hobby.
Cleans the context menu of Internet Explorer.
Built-in take full control of Window startups.
Built-in helps you keep your Start Menu clean.
Backup and restore installed-applications.
Powerful "Type and Go" search feature allows you quickly find the program you are about to uninstall.
Detect invalid installations and remove them with one click.
Force removal of uninstall related entries in the registry(care to use!).
Quickload mode loads programs extremely fast.
Give detailed report about any installed applications.
Export programs list to file or printer.
Full Windows 7 and 64 bit system support in one setup file.
And more ...

Manual: Please follow the picture given below to know how to use it..........

Full version download Link:   Click Here

Saturday, 22 December 2012

How to check graphics memory of any PC

Hi friends! This trick will help you a lot identifying the graphics quality and memory of your PC. Do you want to know how much graphics memory does your PC contains? Its a simple wish when you can't get the information of your memory of graphics card. So just follow these simple steps-

1> Click on start.
2> If you have windows 7 then on search, type run. Then click on run and type dxdiag and if you have windows xp, 'run' is already listed there.
3> Now click on display tab. All information regarding graphics card and graphics memory will be shown.
