There are various application and website you can use to send free sms Globally, but in this tutorial I am going to teach you a simple way you can use to send sms to any network in the world without paying any dim.
There is a mobile application known as "BiNu", this is application comes with many great features but to be specific, I am going to speak on the sms feature only.
Some of BiNu's features include:
- No charges applied,
- it supports about 260 characters for sending sms,
- it can be used to send sms to any number in the world,
- it has high sending speed
- no ad placement on sent message
Others features of BiNu include:
- it can be use to send email
- it can be use to update facebook and twitter status
- it gives you a free biNu mail address
- it gives free access to Quran, Bible, wikipedia, Google search, Guardians news and others
How to download BiNu:
- Click here to download BiNu for your java phone or Click here
- click here to download BiNu for other mobile devices(Blackberry, android and others)
How to install your BiNu for free sms:
- After you have successfully downloaded your BiNu application,Launch the application.
- then, choose a language, another page loads up.
- go to my account and thenclick on "New account"
- create a username and then input your phone number.
- test your phone number,and after some minutes you will receive an sms alert containing a pin
- this pin will be used to log in your biNu account whenever you want to log in to your account.
To send sms:
- Launch your biNu application,click on "messenger" and then "send message"
- in the first box input the recipient phone number and in the second box input your message and then send.
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